Every Mommy has a first... the first smile, the first huge blow-out diaper, the first kiss and "love you". Today I got my first bouquet of flowers. I have always imagined having a my little girl pick flowers for me and feel so accomplished as I oohed and ahhed over her beautiful arrangement. My heart melted as my two year-old handed me the wilted, have-blown dandilions out of her sweaty palm.
I have been off the map... Houston, Austin, etc. Blake, Molly and I went to Houston for my brother, Tyler's graduation. He got his PhD from Rice!! His disertation had the longest title and I didn't understand a word of it. But I couldn't be prouder of him. He is finally done with school!
Molly had a blast eating her iced lemonade and you can tell it was hot outside. I felt bad that Tyler had to wear a suit under his robes.
This picture shows Tyler's mentor "hooding" him. It's traditional to have your hood placed by your mentor. They are great friends.
Molly got a trampoline with a handlebar from her Nana and Pocket (yes, she calls my dad pocket because she loves to play with his pens and glasses that he stores in his pocket). But she was so excited at the package that she could hardly contain herself. Blake still hasn't gotten over the 200 peice kitchen he put together and now he had the insane trampoline that fit in a 2 inch box... it was a long evening to say the least but ended in lots of jumping!
We had a little birthday dinner and cake at Grandma and Grandpop Brady's house last Saturday. Here are some fun pictures. I can't believe she is two years old! But being two is not all fun... Molly has since gotten her two year molars, a tooth fever, and an ear infection--being two is HARD! Maybe it was all the sugar:)