Friday, March 7, 2008

I think his tractor's SEXY!

We're finally moving dirt in Blanco... for those of you who don't know, Blake is building my parent's house in Blanco, TX. It is in between San Antonio and Austin. We go down to Blanco for the week and come back to Dallas on the weekends. Crazy life, I know but fun. My dad is retiring in June and will coming down with the crew when they sell their house. I'm so excited I can hardly wait! We had one good day of sunshine but then got rained out the next... I laid out on the blanket and got a tan while Molly played with her toys in the shade.
I think the tractor suits him. Blake was in heaven!


Gowdies said...

What is it with boys and tractors anyway? Sounds like you guys are busy! Exciting times! That will be so fun to have your family close!

A said...

HOw fun to have time with your parents during the week! Molly is so cute walking! Are you getting ready to celebrate her big 1st birthday?? Ellies 2nd is in a few weeks!!!!!

p.s. don't worry about the teeth... I never wiped ellie's down but did try to brush them at night with a finger toothbrush after nursing before bed... it's good to get them in the habit :)

breanna said...

We SO miss you down in this neck of the woods. Although they did put you in on Sunday as the activities chair! Wa HOo! Fun times by all right?!

Bethany said...

Love it!!!! Especially your banner!

Jenni said...

That's so exciting for you guys!!!!!

Chris and Tara Mason said...

How cute is your new blog!!!! I love it! :)