B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.
Picture of me ten years ago
What was I doing 10 years ago?
I had just moved to Washington State with my parents and it was the middle of my sophomore year in HS. I got involved with the tennis and golf team in early spring and thought I was the cat's pajamas! I had my first date January 24th (which was 5 days before my sixteenth birthday and my dad was not happy about it). We went to Sophomore Tolo, which was our equivalent to prom. David Meyer was my date and first boyfriend (second kiss). He ate so much crab at dinner that he barfed over the dock at the restaurant and into Puget Sound...classy.
5 things to do today:
1. Watch Molly
2. Buy milk at Walmart
1. Watch Molly
2. Buy milk at Walmart
3. Pick up the house
4. Laundry
5. Get out of my pajamas:)
4. Laundry
5. Get out of my pajamas:)
Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire:
Invest most of it, then splurge with the rest! I would have Blake build me an amazing house on a huge plot in the Grapevine area (this really is the best place to live). Then I would gather my family around me and build them amazing houses as well. My house would be the Pottery Barn catalog. We would give to the church, Oprah's Angel Foundation, and other charities while eating Bon Bons all day! j/k, let's hope I would be productive.
3 Bad Habits:
I bite my nails
Worry WAY too much
I need a coke to get up in the morning (molly still doesn't sleep through the night)
Places I have lived:
Madrid, Spain
Patzicia, Guatemala
Jobs I have had:
Abercrombie and Fitch (I regret it)
Pepper's Salon
BYU Learning Resource Center
XanGo--executive assistant
XanGo--technical writer (currently contracted)
Things you might not know about me:
I am an animal lover
I love to write adolescent literature and I am working on a book right now. My friend Bethany just finished hers and motivates me to do the same.
My nickname from my dad is Punkin
I look just like my dad but I am a clone of my mother
I graduated with a B+ average from BYU but got a D- in Calculus...shh don't tell!
I wish Hogwarts was real